Counter Terrorism Training Packages

 CVE Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business


DUNS 032583797 CAGE 6VW15

Counter Terrorism Training packages are available to Military, LEO's, Agencies and PMC's to better prepare you for going live against terrorists and active shooters.  Our training is available in Middle Tennessee and as an MTT at your facility.

Training Center Pros is working to bring the best training across the board to prepare you for the IED, Low Light and Tactical operations you'll face and fight.

Carbine Training

Advanced Carbine

Advanced Low Light Instructor II-Carbine

AK-47 Armorer Course

Carbine 1

Carbine 2

Carbine 3

General Carbine

Home Defense Carbine

Low Light Carbine

M16 Armorer

Tactical Carbine Skills

Tactical Training

Advanced Edged Weapons - Instructor James Williams

AK-47 Armorer Course (MIL/LEO Only)

Automatic Weapons

Automatic Weapons - Mixed

Automatic Weapons - Foreign

Automatic Weapons - NATO

CCW Instructor Course

Combatives Seminar

Continuing Solutions to Edged Weapons

Edged Weapons - Instructor James Williams

Edged Weapons - Instructor James Williams

Foreign Weapons

Foreign Weapons (MIL/LEO Only)

Improvised Weapons

Laser Instructor Course

Law Enforcement First Responder

Low Light Instructor/Operator 1

Low Light Tactics

Low Light Tactics 1 Day Course

Murphy's Special 3 Gun with Optional Auto Weapons

Night Operator

Night Ops - White Light and NVG

Protective Agent - Instructor Steve Tarani

Shoothouse Operator

Tactical Combat Casualty Care

Tactical Driving

Tactical Medicine

Pistol, Shotgun, Carbine, Tactical Training

Advanced Low Light Instructor / Operator Course Level 2 - LE/MIL ONLY

Advanced Low Light Instructor II

Civilian LE Instructor (Private Course)

Advanced Low Light Instructor / Operator Course Level II - LE/MIL ONLY

Advanced Low Light Instructor II

Pistol Training

Advanced Low Light Instructor Operator II - Pistol

Advanced Pistol

CCW California Course

General Handgun

General Handgun and BBQ

Glock Vegas High Rollers Challenge X

Home Defense Pistol

Home Defense Women's Pistol

Krav Maga/Pistol

Ladies Pistol and Self Defense Awareness

Low Light Pistol

Nevada CCW

Pistol 1

Pistol 2

Pistol 3

Protective Agent Training - Handgun

Tactical Handgun Skills

Utah/Florida/Arizona CCW

Women's Pistol

Women's Pistol and Nevada CCW


Advanced Low Light Instructor II - Shotgun

Advanced Shotgun

General Shotgun

Home Defense Shotgun

Shotgun 1

Shotgun 2

Tactical Shotgun Skills


Advanced Rifle

AK-47/74 Operator

General Rifle

Pistol, Carbine, Tactical

Counter Terrorism (CT)

Tactical Pistol/Carbine

Tactical Krav Maga

Krav Maga AK Operator and Foreign Weapons (Private Course)

Krav Maga Low Light Course

Krav Maga/Low Light Course (Private Course)

Krav Maga/Pistol (Private Course)

Tactical Medical

Law Enforcement (LEFR)

Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC)

Trauma First Responder (TFR)

Pistol, Rifle, Shotgun, Carbine Training

Low Light Instructor / Operator Course Level 1 - LE/MIL ONLY

NRA Training

NRA Carbine Instructor Certification

NRA Pistol Instructor Certification

NRA Shotgun Instructor Certification

NRA Rifle Training

NRA Rifle Instructor Certification

Tactical Pistol Shotgun

Tactical Pistol/Shotgun

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