IED Awareness Training for Companies, Corporations and Organizations

 CVE Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business


DUNS 032583797 CAGE 6VW15

IED Awareness Training for companies and organizations is part of an overall terrorist and bomb threat management training that will help your team and associates understand, recognize and how to react during an IED and Active Shooter occurrence at your facility, event or neighborhood.

Can you benefit from this Training?

Does your company have a highly recognizable CEO?

Is your company publicly traded?

Is your company considered controversial?

Do you host large events?

Do you have a large number of employees?

Does your company have multiple facilites?

Is your company located next to a large public venue?

Does your company handle or ship hazardous material?

IED Awareness for companies, corporations, employees and organizations

Having an understanding of the risks of being near an IED event and having a plan in place for associates and employees is critical for mitigating loss of life, work productivity and focus on our daily tasks.

The Wall Street Journal reports, "Fully one-third of the nation’s employees suffer chronic debilitating stress, and more than half of all “millennials” (18 to 33 year olds) experience a level of stress that keeps them awake at night, including large numbers diagnosed with depression or anxiety disorder."

When employees have a better understanding of what's happening or could happen during an IED threat or event, whether at the office, commuting to and from work and appointments, will reduce stress, improve moral and allow the culture of the office to remain positive.

The lead instructor and CEO of Training Center Pros has 21 years experience with IED response, manufacturing and training.  Mr. Cassidy was a US Navy Explosive Ordnance Disposal Technician and is also a veteran of a Fortune 75 Firm giving him a unique capability to understand the dynamics and culture of corporate America and the threats faced.

If you're C-Level, HR, Disaster Prep Supervisor, Security or Facilities Management, then you need to attend the IED Awareness Training.

Your Place or Ours

We want to make the training as easy as possible to attend.  It's your choice on having us come to your location or to visit one of our location at 1029 Elm Hill Pike Nashville or 4220 W Schrimsher Lane SW Suite W9 Huntsville for a more intensive training.

Plan on 6 hours of interactive training when booking your schedule with us.

Here's what to expect:

  • We'll start out with an overview of IED's and how they're being used around the world and here in the US.
  • How IED's work
  • IED component recognition - You'll actually hold the primary components of IED's!
  • Military Ordnance, bulk explosives and Homemade Explosives
  • Working IED's - You'll be able to get your hands on working IED's and be able to make them function!  No energetic material will be used.
  • You'll learn the difference between Victim Activated or Bomber Activated and why/where they're used.
  • Explosives and Blast Effect
  • How IED's are hidden and disguised for maximum effectiveness
  • Evacuation, Safe Areas and How far away do I need to be?
  • How to identify shortfalls in your Bomb Management Plan or how to create one if you don't have one.
  • A walk through the Petting Zoo.  We'll set up devices and walk you through so you can find and identity them.
  • Final Q&A.

If you'd like more information on how we can help "calm the waters" and reassure your team with knowledge and a plan, fill out the form below. 

Group Discounts available.

Click HERE to get the best deal on your IED Awareness Training!

EOD Gear is ITAR Registered
EOD Gear ISO 9001-2015 Certified